Sie können eine private Konstante
› forum › datei-per-vba-unter-xlsx-speichern You use the Const statement to declare a constant and set its value. After a constant is declared, it cannot be modified or assigned a new value. You can declare a constant within a procedure or at the top of a module, in the Declarations section. Module-level constants are private by default.
Const vba excel speichern
Condition of Constants in VBA. The name of the constant we are declaring can contain a maximum of characters in length. The constant’s name cannot start with a number; rather, it should begin with the alphabet. We cannot VBA reserved keywords to declare the constants.Sie können eine private Konstante Types of constants There are three types of constants: Intrinsic constants, or system-defined constants, are provided by applications and controls. Other applications that provide object libraries, such as Microsoft Access, Excel, Project, and Word also provide a list of constants that you can use with their objects, methods, and properties.
Passwort für den Code In a VBA module I have the following declaration of constants: Private Const const_abc = Private Const const_def = Private Const const_etc = 42 ' and so on and so forth. Now, I have to initialize these values with a function call, ideally something like so. Private Const const_abc = someFunc (18) Private Const const_def = someFunc (7.